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Github Report Generator

This tool enables generating change report for a set of github repositories. Such a report helps a team to get a high level overview of work being done across multiple repositories.

$ curl -L -o github-reporter.jar
$ java -jar github-reporter.jar --since "2 days" apache/openwhisk 

If you get an error like "API rate limit exceeded" then you would need to configure a personal access token via -t option. See rate limits for detail. While creating the token you do not have to select any specific scope.

Download the current snapshot release from here

The generated report looks like below

Markdown HTML

It supports multiple options

  1. Connect to internal github deployment (via --github-uri)
  2. Generate report for all repo in an org (via --org apache --repo-prefix openwhisk)
  3. Render markdown or html report (--html-mode)
  4. Pass access token for higher rate limits
  5. Send mail
$ java -jar build/libs/github-reporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -h
      --github-uri  <arg>    Github server uri. By default it refers to public
                             github. If your repo is on an internal enterprise
                             deployment then set this to the server url
      --html-mode            Render in HTML mode. By default report is rendered
                             in Markdown format
      --json-mode            Render in json mode. If enables then another report
                             in json mode would also be rendered
      --org  <arg>           Organization name. Reporter would find its
                             repositories and generate report for them. If any
                             prefix if provided then only those repo would be
  -o, --out  <arg>           Output file path
      --repo-prefix  <arg>   Repo name prefix. If provided only repo whose name
                             start with the provided prefix would be used
  -s, --since  <arg>         Date since changes need tobe reported in yyyy-MM-dd
                             format. One can also provide duration like '4
                             days`, '1 month'
  -t, --token  <arg>         Github access token. See
  -h, --help                 Show help message

 trailing arguments:
  repo-names (not required)   List of repository names for which report needs to
                              be generated e.g. apache/openwhisk

Github change reporter


To generate report for last 5 days for all repos in a org which start with openwhisk

$ java -jar github-reporter.jar --since "2 days" --org apache --repo-prefix openwhisk -t $GITHUB_TOKEN

Sending mails

Tool supports sending mails also for which you would need to provide mail related options

java -jar build/libs/github-reporter-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
    --token <token>>  \<smtp server> -Dmail.port=587 -Dmail.start-tls=true  \ \
    -Dmail.username=<username> -Dmail.password="<password>" \
    --since 2019-09-11 \
    --json-mode --html-mode \
    --org github-reporter-test


  • - SMTP host like or
  • mail.port - SMTP port. Generally 587 for STARTTL and 465 for SSL
  • mail.from - Sender emailId
  • - Receiver emailId
  • mail.username - Username for the account used for authentication
  • mail.password - Password for the account used for authentication

There are some other options which you can see from reference.conf file


You can build the jar locally via

$ ./gradlew build


This tool is implemented in Scala and uses following libraries

  1. jcabi github - Object Oriented Wrapper of Github API
  2. scalate - For report templates
  3. flexmark-java - For converting markdown to html


Generates change report for Github repositories



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