Current version consists of following components:
- Ledgers v.4.20
- XS2A v.15.5
- ASPSP-Profile v.15.5
- Consent-Management v.15.5
- XS2A Connector-Examples v.15.5
Project was moved onto new versions of :
- Ledgers - 4.20
- XS2A - 15.5
- ASPSP-Profile - 15.5
- Consent-Management - 15.5
- XS2A Connector-Examples - 15.5
Migrated project to OpenAPI Specification 3.0
Dependencies versions were bumped up :
- Spring Boot - to 2.7.0
- Spring Cloud - to 2021.0.5
- Spring Test - to 5.3.19
Re-organised structure of maven *.pom files.