- make
- libplack-perl
- Dancer2
- Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC
- Authen::Captcha ( needs libgd2-xpm-dev package)
- Digest::SHA1
- Digest::Bcrypt
- Data::Entropy::Algorithms
- MIME::Base64
- String::Dirify
- String::Util
- DateTime::Format::Strptime
- Crypt::RandPasswd
- Email::MIME
- Email::Sender::Simple
- Template::Plugin::HTML::Strip
- You will need a MySQL server for the blog's database.
After you've downloaded PearlBee source code, be sure to give your user the rights to the PearlBee database (in this example the database is called 'PearlBee'):./build.sh
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON PearlBee.* To 'your_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourPassWord';
and then initialize the database by running the script
mysql -u your_user -pyour_password < pearlbee/db_patches/create_tables.sql
After the database creation, you will need to configure the following file: pearlbee/config.yaml Under the user and pass tag, please write down your own database credentials.
That's it, now you just go into the 'pearlbee' folder and run the following command:
plackup -R lib/ bin/app.pl
And your blog is now running.
Once you have started your web server. Open your browser and go to the url http:://:5000/admin Use the default login / password to enter, you should change them before starting using the blog ! via "My Account -> Profile". user: admin password: password
Thank you for using PearlBee!