The T-COVID19 is an Android application that provides the latest information and updates about the Corona Virus(COVID-19) from all corona affected countries of the world and India. In India, we also show live data with different states, union territories, and capitals. It also gives a set of basic COVID-19 symptoms and precautions. Here we have listed the cases as new and old with recovery, deaths, and total with date-time of data updates.
For India, you can also track the daily cases, recovered, and deaths on a graph with the date and count.
- Kotlin - Official programming language for Android application development by Google.
- Volley - An HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and, most importantly, faster.
- Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.
- Material Components - The material UI components for Android, designed and developed by Google.
- Firebase - For crash reporting, analytics, and cloud messaging.
- JHU CSSE - Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
- - Official managed by indian govt.
- NSAKCET - Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering and Technology.
Intro Screen | Intro Screen | Intro Screen | Splash Screen |
Analysis Screen | Global Screen | India Screen | Confirmed Screen |
Deceased Screen | Recovered Screen | Info Screen | |