One-Time invite link generator for your Discord server with webpage, which supports Discord AI chatbot powered by OpenAI language model called GPT-3.5.
You can check WEST GAME 卍 Server.
- Self commands for bot owners only to retrieve the logs, and clean the logs.
- Welcome message. Check bot.js line 243.
- Currently, I have no ideas.
- !help: You know what is it for.
- !log: Retrieve the GPT-3.5 logs.
- !clean: Clean all bot logs.
Go to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new application.
Navigate to the "Bot" tab and click "Add Bot" to create a bot user.
Under the "Bot" tab, you'll find the token. Copy this token; .env.
Still under the "Bot" tab, set the Authorization Flow and Privileged Gateway Intents to this:
Now, go to the "OAuth2" tab, in the "OAuth2 URL Generator" section, select the "bot" scope and as whatever you want.
Copy the generated URL and paste it into your browser. This will allow you to invite the bot to your server.
- Visit the OpenAI website and create an account. Follow the registration process to set up your account.
- Navigate to API Section of the OpenAI platform.
- Locate the API key generation section on the OpenAI platform and follow the instructions to generate your key and copy to; .env.
- Fork this repo or clone:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Preview
node bot.js
- Go to your
Server Settings > Widget > Copy JSON API
Go to script.js and replace "" with the link you just copied.
Edit lines of index.html in
section with your server data. -
Setup the
and rename it to.env
Deploy To
Install the flyctl package: Install flyctl.
Setup fly app:
flyctl auth login
- Launch the app:
flyctl launch
? Would you like to copy its configuration to the new app? Yes
? Do you want to tweak these settings before proceeding? Yes
Set the app name based on your
app = "YourAppName"
in fly.toml. -
flyctl deploy
Next time you want to redeploy your web after editing something, just use
flyctl deploy
. will run 2 machines automatically, if it makes run your bot into 2 at once, stop & destroy one of them:
flyctl machine stop
- Destroy:
flyctl machine destroy