Easy Public Key Infrastructure intends to provide most of the components needed to manage a PKI, so you can either use the API in your automation, or use the CLI. Based on the original google version but updated to use elliptical curves / SHA256
For the latest API:
import "github.com/agileinsider/easypki"
Current implementation of the CLI uses the local store and uses a structure compatible with openssl, so you are not restrained.
# Get the CLI:
go get github.com/agileinsider/easypki/cmd/ecpki
# You can also pass the following through arguments if you do not want to use
# env variables.
export PKI_ROOT=/tmp/pki
export PKI_ORGANIZATION="Acme Inc."
export PKI_LOCALITY="Agloe"
export PKI_PROVINCE="New York"
mkdir $PKI_ROOT
# Create the root CA:
ecpki create --filename root --ca "Acme Inc. Certificate Authority"
# In the following commands, ca-name corresponds to the filename containing
# the CA.
# Create a server certificate for blog.acme.com and www.acme.com:
ecpki create --ca-name root --dns blog.acme.com --dns www.acme.com www.acme.com
# Create an intermediate CA:
ecpki create --ca-name root --filename intermediate --intermediate "Acme Inc. - Internal CA"
# Create a wildcard certificate for internal use, signed by the intermediate ca:
ecpki create --ca-name intermediate --dns "*.internal.acme.com" "*.internal.acme.com"
# Create a client certificate:
ecpki create --ca-name intermediate --client --email bob@acme.com bob@acme.com
# Revoke the www certificate.
ecpki revoke $PKI_ROOT/root/certs/www.acme.com.crt
# Generate a CRL expiring in 1 day (PEM Output on stdout):
ecpki crl --ca-name root --expire 1
You will find the generated certificates in $PKI_ROOT/ca_name/certs/
private keys in $PKI_ROOT/ca_name/keys/
For more info about available flags, checkout out the help ecpki -h
This is forked and heavily hacked from something that was not an official Google product.