🏠 I live in Córdoba Capital, Argentina.
👀 I’m interested in software development, fintech, data, international investments and participating in large projects.
🌱 I am currently working as a Full stack Software Developer for PRISMA medios de pago.
💞️ After having finished the first year of the professional developer career, I find myself delving into the back-end (microservices, docker, spring cloud, hexagon architecture, kafka) and the front-end (microfrontend, singleSPA, advanced hooks, react native, typescript) to incorporate tools that help me to progress in the workplace. "Knowledge never sleep"
Click Here !You can see the code on my github page: https://github.com/agvanetta/ProyectoSpotify_Coder. You can test the app with the credentials: user: "Luca" pw "agustin123". <- L is in uppercas Web version of Robinhood app, in this project I used: - Front : ReactJS (React Chart, Axios, Material UI), Html, Css, JavaScript, Finnhub API consumption for stock prices and Login with JWT. - Back : Spring Java, Controller, Dto, Repository, Entities, Service, Spring Security, OOP, TDD, Maven and MongoDB(no-sql). BackEnd :Java, SpringBoot, Log4j, H2 Database, Maven, Test with JUnit, for the structure Pattern MVC: Controller, Dto, Entities, Exceptions, Repository, Service, Spring Security, PasswordEncoder, Users and Roles.
FrontEnd : Html, Css, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React with axios and fetch for the connection. Example view: https://agvanetta.github.io/integrativeproject_backend/
API endpoints Test : Postman
Development of a virtual wallet that allows you to incorporate assets such as cryptocurrencies, FCI or shares that allow you to generate returns according to the profile of each one. Front end: Html, Css, JavaScript, API, React. / Back end: Java, MVC, Springboot, Tests, DB: H2, Maven, API. Structure: Controller, DTO, Exception, Entities, Repository and Service You can download the project and run it locally, since it works with React on the front and with a local database (h2) on the back . Amazon Clone - Created with Html, Css, JavaScript and React. Login, main home and shopping cart ( add & remove ) were developed. Stock market investment page created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API, Widgets, Design on Canva and BootStrap as Framework . Resume developed in HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap Final Project corresponding to the Data Analytics course dictated by Coderhouse. Power BI and SQL were mainly used.https://github.com/agvanetta/agvanetta/blob/main/Programa%20CerTeDev.pdf