In this repo, I experiment with MLflow to:
track machine learning experiments based on:
- metrics
- hyper-parameters
- source scripts executing the run
- code version
- notes & comments
compare different runs between each other
set up a tracking server locally and on AWS
deploy the your model using MLflow Models
To execute the code:
- Install pipenv to run a virtual environment with mlflow (it's cleaner this way)
pip install pipenv
- Clone the project
git clone
- Install the dependencies
cd mlflow/
pipenv install .
- Start a tracking server locally
mlflow ui
- Launch the training (or whatever code that logs to MLflow)
- Visit http://localhost:5000 to check the runs on the MLflow ui
If you're a team of developers or data scientists, you can spin up a tracking server where everyone logs his/her runs
create an IAM user on AWS. Get its credentials, namely
Access key ID
andSecret access key
with this same user, create an s3 bucket to store future artifacts: give this bucket a name. Mine is
but you cannot pick it -
Launch an EC2 instance: it doesn't have to be big. a
eligible to free tier does perfectly the job -
Configure the security group of this instance to accept inbound http traffic on port 5000
ssh into your EC2:
install pip
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pip
install pipenv
sudo pip3 install pipenv sudo pip3 install virtualenv export PATH=$PATH:/home/[your_user]/.local/bin/
now with pipenv, install the dependencies to run the mlflow server
pipenv install mlflow pipenv install awscli pipenv install boto3
on the EC2 machine, configure aws with user's crendentials so that the tracking server can have access to s3 and display the artifacts on the UI.
aws configure
then follow the instructions to enter the credentials -
start an mlflow server on the EC2 instance by defining the host as
and the--default-artifact-root
as the S3 bucketmlflow server -h \ --default-artifact-root s3://mlflow-artifact-store-demo
set the AWS credentials as environment variables so that the code uploads artifacts to the s3 bucket
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-aws-access-key-id> export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-aws-secret-access-key>
change the tracking URI to the public dns of your EC2 machine + port 5000
In my case the tracking URI was:
Now you everything should be be good: after running the script locally you can inspect metrics on the UI that run on the remote server
By clicking on a specific run, you can see its artifacts uploaded to S3.
In fact, these artifacts are effectively on S3.
- French version
- English version (coming soon)