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Experiments and reviews of various ui testing frameworks

How this repo was setup

mkdir ui-testing
cd ui-testing

echo '{ name:ui-testing}' > package.json

npm install --save-dev selenium-webdriver
npm install --save-dev browserstack-webdriver
npm install --save-dev wd
npm install --save-dev webdriverio
npm install --save-dev kommando
npm install --save-dev nightwatch
npm install --save-dev karma
npm install --save-dev leadfoot
npm install --save-dev intern

npm install --save-dev jscoverage
npm install --save-dev blanket

git remote add origin

echo node_modules > .gitignore

Basic info

Texts come from their web sites


The official WebDriver JavaScript bindings from the Selenium project


BrowserStack WebDriver JavaScript bindings with keep alive support


WebDriver/Selenium 2 node.js client


Selenium 2.0 bindings for NodeJS

Most of the Selenium WebDriver Wire Protocol is already implemented and wrapped in useful commands.

Adding helper functions, or more complicated sets and combinations of existing commands is simple and really useful

WebdriverIO works in combination with most of the TDD and BDD test frameworks in the JavaScript world.


A node.js bindings implementation for selenium 2.0/webdriver

UI automated testing framework powered by Node.js. It uses the Selenium WebDriver API.


Configurable cross browser functional / acceptance test launcher (using Webdriver)


Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript.

A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers.

The main purpose of Karma is to make your TDD development easy, fast, and fun


Intern. A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.

Intern is a complete test stack for JavaScript designed to help you write and run consistent, high-quality test cases for your JavaScript libraries and applications. It can be used to test any JavaScript code.

Its functional testing capabilities can even be used to test non-JavaScript Web and mobile apps, if you really want.


A seamless JavaScript code coverage library.


a javascript coverage tool, can be used in node dev, and browser side js dev

NPM Stats

generated Mon Feb 16 09:52:00 CEST 2015

Included here is not comparable, some of them are full stack things some of them are modules reused by others etc...

However the numbers tell something (TODO: separate and chart)

module downloads in the last month
selenium-webdriver 376786
browserstack-webdriver 2055
webdriverio 9485
wd 89889
kommando 132
webdrvr 163
nightwatch 24375
karma 797169
leadfoot 8162
intern 7937
testardo 211
mocha 1553315
jscoverage 16533
blanket 45635

Modules used


name version description
esprima 1.2.4 ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
falafel 0.3.1 transform the ast on a recursive walk
xtend 3.0.0 extend like a boss


name version description
keep-alive-agent 0.0.1 a keep-alive agent for http and https


name version description
chai 1.9.1 BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
charm 0.2.0 ansi control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors
diff 1.1.0 A javascript text diff implementation.
digdug 1.2.1 Dig Dug. A simple abstraction library for downloading and launching WebDriver service tunnels.
dojo 2.0.0-dev Dojo core is a powerful, lightweight library that makes common tasks quicker and easier. Animate elements, manipulate the DOM, and query with easy CSS syntax, all without sacrificing performance.
istanbul 0.2.16 Yet another JS code coverage tool that computes statement, line, function and branch coverage with module loader hooks to transparently add coverage when running tests. Supports all JS coverage use cases including unit tests, server side functional tests
leadfoot 1.2.1 Leadfoot. A JavaScript client library that brings cross-platform consistency to the Selenium WebDriver API.
source-map 0.1.33 Generates and consumes source maps


name version description
coffee-script 1.9.0 Unfancy JavaScript
debug 1.0.3 small debugging utility
ejs 1.0.0 Embedded JavaScript templates
escape-string-regexp 1.0.2 Escape RegExp special characters
optimist 0.3.1 Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
uglify-js 2.4.15 JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
xfs 0.1.8 extends fs module, easy way to manipulate file system, support both sync functions and async functions


name version description
chokidar 0.12.6 A neat wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / fsevents.
colors 0.6.2 get colors in your node.js console like what
connect 2.26.6 High performance middleware framework
di 0.0.1 Dependency Injection for Node.js. Heavily inspired by AngularJS.
glob 3.2.11 a little globber
graceful-fs 2.0.3 A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
http-proxy-examples 0.0.0 packages required to run the examples
http-proxy 0.10.4 A full-featured http reverse proxy for node.js
lodash 2.4.1 A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
log4js 0.6.22 Port of Log4js to work with node.
mime 1.2.11 A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
minimatch 0.2.14 a glob matcher in javascript
optimist 0.6.1 Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
q 0.9.7 A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
rimraf 2.2.8 A deep deletion module for node (like rm -rf) 0.9.16 Real-time apps made cross-browser & easy with a WebSocket-like API
source-map 0.1.43 Generates and consumes source maps
useragent 2.0.10 Fastest, most accurate & effecient user agent string parser, uses Browserscope's research for parsing


name version description
address 0.0.3 Get current machine IP, MAC and DNS servers.
async 0.8.0 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
cabbie 0.0.9 A webdriver client
chai-as-promised 4.1.1 Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
chai 1.10.0 BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
coffee-script 1.9.0 Unfancy JavaScript
cucumber 0.4.7 The official JavaScript implementation of Cucumber.
freeport 1.0.4 Find a free port.
glob 3.2.11 a little globber
jasmine-node 1.14.5 DOM-less simple JavaScript BDD testing framework for Node
leadfoot 1.2.1 Leadfoot. A JavaScript client library that brings cross-platform consistency to the Selenium WebDriver API.
lodash 2.4.1 A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
mocha 1.18.2 simple, flexible, fun test framework
nesh 1.5.1 An enhanced, extensible shell for Node.js
optimist 0.6.1 Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
saucelabs 0.1.1 A wrapper around Sauce Labs REST API
selenium-webdriver 2.41.0 The official WebDriver JavaScript bindings from the Selenium project
wd 0.2.27 WebDriver/Selenium 2 node.js client
webdrvr 2.41.0-0 NPM wrapper for Selenium Webdriver including Chromedriver / IEDriver / IOSDriver / Ghostdriver


name version description
dojo 2.0.0-alpha4


name version description
ejs 0.8.8 Embedded JavaScript templates
grunt 0.4.5 The JavaScript Task Runner
minimatch 0.2.14 a glob matcher in javascript
mkpath 0.1.0 Make all directories in a path, like mkdir -p
optimist 0.6.1 Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.


name version description
adm-zip 0.4.4 A Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk
tmp 0.0.24 Temporary file and directory creator
xml2js 0.4.4 Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.


name version description
archiver 0.12.0 a streaming interface for archive generation
async 0.9.0 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
lodash 2.4.1 A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
q 1.0.1 A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
request 2.46.0 Simplified HTTP request client.
underscore.string 2.3.3 String manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library.
vargs 0.1.0 practical variable argument handling


name version description
archiver 0.6.1 Creates Archives (ZIP) via Node Streams.
async 0.9.0 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
chainit 2.1.1 Turn an asynchronous JavaScript api into an asynchronous chainable JavaScript api.
css-parse 1.7.0 CSS parser
css-value 0.0.1 CSS value parser
deepmerge 0.2.7 A library for deep (recursive) merging of Javascript objects
pragma-singleton 1.0.3 Singleton design pattern implementation which easy to use
q 1.1.2 A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)
request 2.34.0 Simplified HTTP request client.
rgb2hex 0.1.0 lightweight rgb/rgba to hex parser
url 0.10.2 The core url packaged standalone for use with Browserify.
wgxpath 0.23.0 Wicked Good XPath


index blanket browserstack-webdriver intern jscoverage karma kommando leadfoot nightwatch selenium-webdriver wd webdriverio
address X
adm-zip X
archiver X X
async X X X
cabbie X
coffee-script X X
colors X
connect X
css-parse X
css-value X
cucumber X
debug X
deepmerge X
di X
diff X
digdug X
dojo X X
ejs X X
escape-string-regexp X
esprima X
examples X
falafel X
freeport X
glob X X
graceful-fs X
grunt X
http-proxy X
chai X X
chai-as-promised X
chainit X
charm X
chokidar X
istanbul X
jasmine-node X
keep-alive-agent X
leadfoot X X
lodash X X X
log4js X
mime X
minimatch X X
mkpath X
mocha X
nesh X
nodemod X
optimist X X X X
pragma-singleton X
q X X X
request X X
rgb2hex X
rimraf X
saucelabs X
selenium-webdriver X X
source-map X X
tmp X
uglify-js X
underscore.string X
url X
useragent X
vargs X
wd X
webdrvr X
wgxpath X
xfs X
xml2js X
xtend X


Far from being finished....

Intern web site contains some comparisons of the frameworks, however it is missing some important players and features. So I will add some here:

Subjective Rankings:

feature selenium-webdriver kommando intern
Standalone Server 1 3 1
Documentation - Local run 3 3 1
REPL 0 2 ?

Standalone Server

How much manual work is needed to run tests against browsers that require selenium-server-standalone-*.jar. Download, configure and instantiate support in each 'framework'.

selenium-webdriver - 1 -

  • (cons) 'To run the tests, you will need to download a copy of the ChromeDriver and make sure it can be found on your PATH.'

  • (cons) They don't event updated docs (nor npm nor wiki) after implementation of direct Firefox support.

  • However after some downloading of related and compatible version for each of your OSes, you can have it running in lt; 30 mins for all browsers you need.

    TODO: download sample code sample


  • why using pretty old 'selenium-version': '2.41.0' in the example config ?
  • based on this blog post you must download all manually as well


Actually 'installing' Selenium, Chromedriver, IEDriver and PhantomJS is not node by kommando, but by vebrdvr module.

Grunt and other tasks

to automate download of Standalone Server and Drivers


Documentation - quick start testing with local browsers

Here I ry to evaluate how much time and browsing it took to start first functional test in local browser. Intern is in disadvantage here, their docs cover bit more so orientation is more difficult.

selenium - 3 -

running sample from npm readme with native FF support they have now, took under 10 seconds, if you have FF installed.

kommando - 3 -

Running REPL and starting browser (FF, chrome, Opera) right after install requires no reading of any docs. This is the main purpose of the kommando module (even if implemented using vebdrvr).

$ ./node_modules/.bin/kommando --runner repl --browser chrome
Starting Selenium server ...
Selenium server started at: http://192.168.x.x:49408/wd/hub
Run tests using "browserName=chrome"
"kommando" / "kommando.browser" provide access to the running browser instance


After 30 minutes of quick searching, I have found this topic: Running-your-own-WebDriver-server. After another 30 minutes I have still no functional testing sample running. Another 30mins, cloned tutorial, downloaded full tutorial cannot make tests/functional to run, no errors, just not run.

Gave up, asking for help

Update: 2015/02/10 - reading the answer (Thank) and googling I have found this article. After not believing this is really what intern offers, I have 'managed' to start server MANULLLY with actually typing the word 'java' (GRRRRRR, just compare wit the bare selenium-webdriver, which 'they' do not consider to be a test framework , and after previous positive KARMA, seems unbelievable achievement..

After "pruning my environment" (as vaguely suggested in article), to my guessed minimum:

{ browserName: 'firefox' }


{ browserName: 'chrome' }

and having test-code:

], function (registerSuite) {
        name: 'minimal demo',
        'of getting google': function () {
            return this.remote.get('');

and running:

(GRRRRRR) java -jar $SELENIUM_SERVER_JAR -port 4444


node_modules/.bin/intern-runner config=tests/intern

I have finally seen 'flash' of webpage , after series of blinking URLs.... Success withing 48 hours in not bad. Or ? Going to sleep (today).



asking for help

Finally I have decided to ignore mochas docs and tj's repo and tried very simple one minute setup and example:

npm install --save-dev jscoverage

mocha -r jscoverage -R spec tests/mocha/test.js

Coverage result
  ✓ tests/mocha/test.js	line[100%]  branch[100%]
  ⁍ lib/module.js	line[ 66%]  branch[100%]

  1 passing (5ms)

After trying tests on my other Win (MINGW) machine, neeeded to quickly patch jscoverage.

And also received link from boneskull about blanket, so will try it.


Testing blanket on windows (MINGW) ends with no conevarge stats at all, quick look at the node+mocha detection reveals why:

if (args[0] === 'node' &&
    args[1].indexOf(join('node_modules','mocha','bin')) > -1 &&

    //using mocha cli
    module.exports = blanketNode(null,true);

So probably I'm going again for Fork-reconfigure-package.json-Fix-Pull-Request-Hope cycle ? Same as with jscoverage ?

Not today ;-(


No description, website, or topics provided.






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