This is my project for Day 19 of the 100 Days of SwiftUI course. I call it iGoTheDistance. From my post on Twitter:
Day 19 of #100DaysOfSwiftUI brought about a challenge to build your own app. The assignment was to build an app that handles unit conversions. Users will select an input unit and an output unit, then enter a value, and see the output of the conversion.
You could have done anything, but I chose to do distance conversion. I named my app iGoTheDistance and it converts distances between meters, kilometers, feet, yards and miles.
As I did in the last challenge, I went looking online for some techniques that we haven't learned yet through the program, specifically for displaying the output (after all, isn't programming about googling a bunch of things? 🤣)
Here is my code, which admittedly could be much cleaner, along with a little video of the app being demonstrated in the iPhone simulator.