FBLA garage sale app
To run this app:
Need Xcode downloaded on a Mac, an iPhone, and a lightning cable - if phone running iOS 10.2 Xcode beta may be required
- Connect an iPhone to the computer using a lighting cable
- On the computer, download the .zip by clicking "Clone or download" and "Download ZIP"
- Uncompress the zip and open the folder
- Double click the .xcodeproj file to open it and run it in xcode
- At the top of the Xcode window to the right of the play button, select your device (your iPhone)
- Click the play button
- A window will pop-up asking to generate a device profile - click generate
- The app should proceed to build on your phone. It will take a minute the first time.
In some cases you may need to click the play button again after step 7
To see the code for the server, go to https://github.com/ajhammond12345/fbla