- An Image Noise Remover is an image processing application created in python with tkinter gui and OpenCv library.
- In this application user can select an image and can remove the various noise present in it.
- Noise includes different random fluctuation of the colors, random distortion part, etc.
- Also after removing noise, user can also save the image without noise anywhere in the local system.
- Also there is option to reset to the original image.
- python 3
- os module
- cv2 module
- tkinter module
- filedialog from tkinter
- messagebox
- from PIL import Image, ImageTk
- numpy
- random
- User just need to download the file, and run the image_noise_remover.py, on local system.
- After running a GUI window appears, where user needs to choose an image file using SELECT button.
- After selecting the image, two images will appear on screen one on left side, which is original and one on right in which Noise Removed Image will be shown.
- Now user can remove the noise using REMOVE button.
- Noise includes different random fluctuation of the colors, random distortion part, etc.
- Also after removing noise, user can also save the image without noise anywhere in the local system, using SAVE button.
- Also there is a RESET button, clicking on which resets the edited image to original format.
- Also there is exit button, clicking on which we get a exit dialog box asking the permission to exit.
- This scripts helps user to remove the any noise present in the image.
- Install tkinter, PIL, numpy, cv2, os, random
- After that download the code file, and run image_noise_remover.py on local system.
- Then the script will start running and user can explore it by removing noise from any image and saving it.
- Akash Ramanand Rajak