This library is a basic api implementation I used in several hobby projects. Featurewise it is limited as of now, but I will implement extra features when needed. It can be used in many different javascript projects, it is not only limited to React Native as the name could imply.
npm i react-native-basic-api
import _api from 'react-native-basic-api';
/* Define your endpoints with available methods */
const yourEndpoints = ({get, post, put}) => ({
getSomething1: (foo) => get('/endpoint1?foo=${foo}'),
getSomething2: (data) => get('/endpoint2', data),
postSomething1: (data) => post('/endpoint3', data),
putSomething1: (data) => put('/endpoint4', data)
/* configure baseUrl, globalHeaders and endpoints */
const apiConfig = {
baseUrl: '',
globalHeaders: {},
endpoints: yourEndpoints
const api = _api(apiConfig);
/* Either use with promise.then() or async/await */
/* Promise then() */
.then(response => /* do anything you want with response */)
.catch(e => /* error */)
/* async/await */
try {
const response = await api.postSomething1(data);
/* do anything you want with response */
} catch(e){
/* handle error */