Data processing programs for the vision-based tactile sensor FingerVision. Two versions are provided: standalone, and ROS packages. The standalone version would be good for making your own system, and the ROS version is good for a quick integration.
CAD models are also provided which are useful to reproduce FingerVision.
Refer to the documentation of this project:
where you can find instructions of software, manufacturing, and integration.
Akihiko Yamaguchi,
Core programs of processing FingerVision data, that are shared among the standalone programs and the ROS package.
Standalone programs of processing FingerVision data.
The main ROS package to process data of FingerVision.
The messages and services used in fingervision.
Utility programs that are copied from other projects.
CAD models of FingerVision.
Useful tools, such as configuring a USB camera device, and a helper of mjpg-streamer.