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Some tools for classical propositional logic - my bachelor thesis.

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Some tools for classical propositional logic - my bachelor thesis.


Note: For Ubuntu, simply enter

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pyside
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pyside

to install Pyside and

sudo apt-get install python-pygame

to install Pygame. For other OS see the link above (binary libraries for Windows, MAC and Linux are provided).

Getting started

To get started, just enter


in the directory containing the Python code. If you're using multiple versions of Python, you may specify the version by entering


You should then see a window open like this (depending on your operating system):

You can now enter one of the examples or test


The tokens you can use are listed in the following table. You can enter them as plain ASCII charcters or as Unicode symbols (via copy-paste).

ASCII character unicode symbol meaning
p0 p₀ A basic proposition. Must contain an index number.
AND logical AND
OR logical OR
NOT ¬ logical NOT
IMPL implication
TOP TOP (always evaluated as true)
BOTTOM BOTTOM (always evaluated as false)
( ) ( ) brackets, can be used to structure the formula
A A capital letters always stand for metavariables

Defining a formula

You can either just enter a formula directly

p0 AND p1
p3 OR NOT (p1 AND TOP)

or you can make an assignment to a so-called metavariable. You can use the capital letters A-Z for storing metavariables.

A = NOT p0 AND (p1 AND p2 IMPL NOT p1)
B = p3 OR NOT (p2 AND p4)

Metavariables can be used to define other formulas or metavariables:


Application of a function

Several forms of a formula can be calculated using the corresponding functions. For example, the negation normal form form can be obtained with

nnf(p0 AND p1 IMPL p2)

which will result in (¬p₀ ∨ ¬p₁) ∨ p₂. You can also assign it directly to another variable:

D = nnf(A OR p2)

For further investigation, it's important to have a binary tree of a given formula. There's an intern representation of the formulat called pedantic, which you can also call explicitly.

C = pedantic(B)

You can get the conjunctive normal form by entering


You can use functions like nnf, cnf or pedantic directly in the middle of a formula, they will be evaluated first:

C = cnf(A) OR NOT nnf(NOT B OR p0)

There are many other functions which (instead of a formula) will give you an explicit result like a boolean value, an integer or a drawn tree. For a simple satisfiability test, use


This function will return a satisfying assignment (if any) for A.

In order to obtain the clause set of a formula A enter


which will provide the corresponding clause set, obtained by the cnf of A. For the length, enter


This function will return the number of occurrences of atomic formulas and logical connectives in A.

Formulas can also be divided and subdivided in their subformulas. For a given formula, all subformulas are shown using


Note that here and also with other functions, the result of the function strongly depends on the form of the formula. For example

sufo(p0 IMPL p1)


sufo(nnf(p0 IMPL p1))

will result in a different set of subformulas.

You can find the truth value which is equivalent to a formula without propositional variables as it is shown in the following example:

evaluate(⊤ ∧ ( ⊥ ∨ ⊥ ))

For a representation that you can copy-paste into LaTeX, use the latex-command:



As seen,


will return all clauses corresponding to the formula A. You can also apply resolution directly:


The program will then, according to the rules of resolution, try to generate the empty set. The first 10 clauses will be shown. The program will report

wether the empty clause was found (which means that the formula is not satisfiable) or not (which means that the formula is satisfiable).

Deduction chains

For building up series of deduction chains (dchains for short), you can use the command

dchains(A, B, C, ...)

where A, B and C are metavariables or formulas, entered directly. The system will provide a graphical output similar to this one:

By clicking on a node, you can see which sequence the node is representing.

The color of each node represents whether the underlying sequence is an axiom or not:

  • black: sequence is reducible
  • red: sequence is irreducible and not an axiom
  • green: sequence is an axiom (true or identity) of PSC


Functions are nestable to the first degree:



Available Functions

function meaning
length() Returns the length of the given formula
sufo() Returns all subformulas from the given formula
latex() Returns a latex representation of the given formula
pedantic() Returns a pedantic (binary) representation of the given formula
nnf() Returns the given formula converted in negation normal form
cnf() Returns the given formula converted to conjunctive normal form
sat() Returns, if possible, a valid valuation for the given formula
clause_set() Calculates the corresponding clause set for the given formula
evaluate() Evaluate the formula (without propositions)
resolution() Apply resolution
dchains() Use D-chains to prove formula



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Some tools for classical propositional logic - my bachelor thesis.






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