🍊 hello! you've arrived at @alanchangxyz
👋 I'm Alan Chang,
- 💻 a software engineer currently in Seattle,
- 🌉 a San Francisco Bay Area native,
- 🍝 and an enjoyer of the best pastas around.
I'm always looking for ways to improve things, no matter how big or small! I spend lots of time focusing on better processes to build better products with less time and effort.
I obtained my degree in computer science this past year from the University of California, Irvine!
As an advisor and organizer at Hack at UCI, I spearheaded initiatives behind the scenes of Orange County's largest collegiate hackathons to leverage growth opportunities, mentor new organizers, and increase hacker & sponsor engagement. I also advised for ZotHacks and VenusHacks, events which catered towards first-time and underrepresented hackathon participants.
As a member of the inaugural cohort and through multiple leadership roles at Commit the Change, I worked extensively with Southern California nonprofits to generate social impact by addressing organizational needs and eliminating procedural bottlenecks through customized, pro bono software partnerships. I contributed to nine different nonprofit projects, and implemented and standardized processes for outreach, internal planning, and technical development which continue to be used today!
- 📧 If you'd like to contact me directly, send me an email!
- 🟦 My LinkedIn profile can be found at /in/acxyz!
- 🌐 To find me on other platforms or look through my portfolio, visit my website!