An example of an ARM Template with nested template to allow deployment of resources to separate resource groups. The accompanying blog post is avaialble at
The template deploys an App Service Plan to one resource group and an App Service to a second. To deploy the example you will require an Azure Subscription. You will also need to create the 2 resource groups (the template does not do this and requires them to already exist). You can create a resource group from the Azure CLI as follows:
az group create -l southafricanorth -n your-rg-name
replacing southafricanorth with your preferred region and your-rg-name with your own resource group name.
You will then need to modify the parameters.json file to specify values for:
- the name of the App Service Plan
- the name of the App Service
- the name of the resource group you wish to deploy the App Service in.
Once the parameters have been set, you can deploy the resource from the Azure CLI with a command such as:
az group deployment create \
--name NewDeployment \
--resource-group your-rg-1-name \
--template-file deploy.json \
--parameters parameters.json
where your-rg-1-name is the name of the resource group you want to deploy the App Service Plan to.