Docker-compose tu deploy a mongodb cluster with 4 replicas
If you still don't have it, copy the .env.example
and update it with your desired values.
The secrets like the MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD
should never be defined on the .env
file for security reasons. Is better to configure it directly on the host and avoid have it published.
To generate it you can use this command export MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(pwgen -1s 20)
Is high recommended having a MongoDB cluster with ReplicaSet with enforced authentication between members.
Because of that, on our (docker-compose.yml)[docker-compose.yml] we have a volume to map a keyfile. If you don't have any key file, generate one where you have set the ${DATA_PATH}
on the .env
openssl rand -base64 756 > ${DATA_PATH}/mongo-key/rs.key
chmod 400 ${DATA_PATH}/mongo-key/rs.key
Probably, you should grant ownership to user with id 999 chown 999:999 ${DATA_PATH}/mongo-key/rs.key
to the key file to avoid permissions issues.
On the container named mongo-1
run the
script to configure the replicaset:
docker exec -ti mongo-1 sh
docker run -ti --rm --network mongodb-replicaset_default mongo:4.4 mongo \
--host mongo-1 \
-u root_username \
-p current_password \
--authenticationDatabase admin \
--eval "printjson(rs.status())"