Abstraction library to send push notifications through APNs, GCM and OneSignal.
This library only supports Python 3.5
Requirements are not installed automatically by pip. The recomended dependencies can be found in requirements.txt.
For APNs an @oeegor/apns2-client fork is used, pypn branch
For GCM @geeknam/python-gcm develop branch is used.
For OneSignal yaosac.
apns = pypn.Notification(pypn.APNS)
apns.send(token, data)
Possible values for token are:
- A string
- A list of string
Currently sending multiple notifications means iterating over the list and send one request per user.
gcm = pypn.Notification(pypn.APNS)
gcm.send(token, data)
Possible values for token are:
- A string
- registration_id or topic (just the name, without "/topic/")
- A list of string, registration_ids
ones = pypn.Notification(pypn.OS)
ones.send(token, data)
Possible values for token are:
- A list of OneSignal's player_id
You need an App Auth Key and App Id. They can be set as environment variables 'OS_APP_AUTH_KEY' and 'OS_APP_ID' or assigned to the client via user_auth_key and app_id attributes.
dummy = pypn.Notification(pypn.DUMMY)
dummy.send(token, data)
PyPN has been built as a layer in between a "back-end"(I'm working on a Django application to handle data) and the existing push notification libraries. That means notifications are defined including all the required fields for each provider. This data is then passed to PyPN together with the provider "name".
Not every field value is set.
data = {
# Common fields
'body': '1, 2, 3, ... push sucks!'
'sound': 'default',
'priority': 'high',
'title': 'Hello, World!',
# APNs aps
'apns_badge': 69,
'apns_content_available': 1,
'apns_category': '',
'apns_mutable_content': True,
# APNs alert
'apns_alert_title_loc_key': '',
'apns_alert_title_loc_args': '',
'apns_alert_loc_key': '',
'apns_alert_loc_args': '',
'apns_alert_action_loc_key': '',
'apns_alert_launch_image': '',
# APNs data
'apns_custom': {'custom': 'values'},
# GCM data
'gcm_data': {'custom': 'values'},
# GCM notification
'gcm_notification_icon': '',
'gcm_notification_tag': '',
'gcm_notification_color': '',
'gcm_notification_click_action': '',
'gcm_notification_body_loc_key': '',
'gcm_notification_body_loc_args': '',
'gcm_notification_title_loc_key': '',
'gcm_notification_title_loc_args': '',
# GCM options
'gcm_option_collapse_key': '',
'gcm_option_content_available': '',
'gcm_option_delay_while_idle': '',
'gcm_option_time_to_live': 40320,
'gcm_option_restricted_package_name': '',
Credentials are expected to be in placed in the environment.
For APNs the path to the .pem certificate and the pass-phrase if any:
For GCM the server key:
For OneSignal the application id and the API key:
Debug is the default value for every provider(you will not get notifications through GCM unless you set debug to false). This can also be set in the environment:
- APNS_MODE: Possible values are "dev" and "prod"
- GCM_DRY_RUN: Possible values are 0 and 1
- There is no debug mode for OneSignal :(
- Dummy: There is a dummy provider that does nothin
Also logging for the gcm library can be enabled setting GCM_LOGGING environment variable to 1.
Feel free to open a pull request or issue in GitHub.
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy and update the environment file
cp .env-template .env
Install honcho
pip install honcho
honcho run python tests.py
This will send a notification to your devices.
honcho run python tests_integration.py