Create an API to receive the data captured in the frontend.
We recommend using C#, .Net Core, and WebAPI to build this API.
- Inputs:
- Name (any alphanumeric character - maximum 50)
- Credit card needs to be numeric and be in the valid credit cards storage
- CVC is any number
- Expiry date is any valid date
- One operation to store the input data
- Validate the information received from the frontend
- One operation to query all data that has been stored
- One operation to query one of the input data stored
- Storage (optional)
- Create the storage for the valid credit card
- Create the storage for the input fields
- Use REST standards
Please commit frequently to communicate your throughts while working on this assignment
- Clean code
- Design patterns
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- Performance
- Security
- Dependency injection
- Http verbs, and resources naming
- API documentation for consumers
Use about 2 hours on this assignment. You are expected to complete most of what is defined in the specification section also considering the things we value.
- API following the REST standards