Welcome to the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) Climate Model, also known as the Monash Climate Model. This version has been customized for the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (GREB-UCM).
For more information about the model, please visit:
And see the reference publication in Climate Dynamics here:
Please cite the model as follows:
Dommenget, D. and Flöter, J.: Conceptual understanding of climate change with a globally resolved energy balance model, Clim. Dyn., 37 (11-12), 2143–2165, doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1026-0, 2011.
To compile this model, a fortran compiler such as gfortran must be installed already.
To plot results in R using the provided functions in output/
R must be installed (http://cran.r-project.org/) along with the library "fields"
to be able to overlay country boundaries.
If R is already installed, the "fields" library can be installed by loading R and calling,
Download the repository to your computer (either using git or the .zip file). From the command line, go to the main model directory.
To compile greb-ucm with gfortran into the executable file
,make greb
To run greb-ucm with the model output and parameters stored in the directory
,./greb.x output/test
Go to the main output directory,
cd output/
Call R from the output directory and load the model results using the example,
The following variables are output from the model with dimensions [nlon,nlat,ntime]
- Tmm : near surface temperature, monthly mean
- Tamm : atmospheric temperature, monthly mean
- Tomm : deep ocean temperature, monthly mean
- qmm : atmospheric moisture, monthly mean
- apmm : planetary albedo, monthly mean