Old launcher based on the UniWS patching method at http://www.wsgf.org and gimpRUS' crack; you should use the new Widescreen Launcher v2!
- includes 7za.exe, RunFirst.exe & xd3.exe, which are unpacked at first launch in C:\Program Data\SalFisher47
- automatically detects resolution and aspect ratio, then unpacks POP.exe from WidescreenLauncher\POP_Backup.7z and patches it with the correct xd3 file for the needed resolution
- gimpRUS' crack was used as a base for creating the executables for various aspect ratios and resolutions, then I used POP_Create_Xdelta.au3 to generate the xd3 files
- when POP.exe runs the first time, Hardware.ini gets reset to some default values, causing some graphical issues when fog is enabled; to avoid this, launcher uses Blank.exe instead of POP.exe at first run, corrects those values, then launches the game
- game will run on the first cpu core, to avoid extreme gameplay speed on multi-core cpus
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time