Ramme is an SDK for creating ready-for-production backend microservices. These services are best suitable to be used in Kubernetes and contains all necessary templates for that.
Golang, Docker, Makefile, Helm, Kubernetes
- Creates or deploys service with one Makefile command;
- Created service contains:
- gRPC, HTTP handlers and Swagger page created from single .proto-file;
- logging;
- configuration (from file, env or k8s configmap);
- signal monitoring & graceful shutdown;
- health- and readyness- probes.
- Provided Makefile commands are:
- bootstrapping all the necessary go libs into local machine;
- linting;
- test running;
- building;
- passing certs;
- creating & publishing Docker container;
- creating and publishing Helm deployment.
In order to operate SDK properly, you'll need:
- A machine with Makefile & Git support;
- Golang v1.17+;
- Container manager (Docker or Podman);
- Helm;
- kubectl with access to the preferrable cluster; Docker is set by default to run processes and build an app container. To set it to podman, run:
export MANAGER='podman'
Clone repository and locate to the repo folder:
git clone https://github.com/alexadastra/ramme && cd ramme
Set environment variables required to run the command correctly:
export APP='your cool app name'
export PATH_PREFIX='~/path/to/service'
And just like that run the command:
make collect
The service is now stored in PATH_PREFIX/APP
Locate to service folder and edit api/my-cool-app.proto
cd my-cool-app && vim api/my-cool-app.proto
Create rpc`s according to docs:
service RammeTemplate {
rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/ping"
body: "*"
message PingRequest {
string value = 1;
message PingResponse {
int64 code = 1;
string value = 2;
run the command:
make generate
And - TAADAAAH! - all the grpc, grpc-gateway middleware is at pkg/api
folder, and OpenAPI json is at internal/swagger
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at its.aleksey.semenchenko@gamil.com