Thesis title: Parsing algorithms for context-free languages
Download and install Rust via the installer rustup.
Set the Rust version to 1.33.0
rustup default 1.33.0
To install the binary system-wide, issue the following command:
cargo install --path .
(working directory should be thesis_bin
Afterwards, a REPL can be started, by executing the following command for a grammar file of your choice.
thesis_bin -g <your/grammar/file>
Notice that the input must be separated by whitespace. When submitting your input to the REPL the whole string is regarded as one possible word of the language generated by the grammar. Thus typing e.g. "aaa" may lead to different results than "a a a".
| Parameter | Description |
| -p | Selects the parsing algorithm to use |
| | Possible options: 'earley', 'harrison', 'll1', 'lr1'|
| | Will default to 'earley' if not specified otherwise |
| -g | Selects the grammar file to use |
| -i | Input word to use |
| | Default to REPL if not specified |
| -o | Path to output SPPF Dot file |
| | Only works for the option 'earley' |
| -f | Outputs the FIRST and FOLLOW sets |
For more information use
thesis_bin --help
Grammar files contain production rules in extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF).
S' = S .
S = S S | "a" | .
Terminal symbols must be enclosed by quotes.
See the grammars
folder for more examples.
Symbol | Meaning |
Pipe | Alternative |
( ) | Group |
{ } | One or more |
[ ] | Zero or more |
To generate the debug-build, issue the following command:
cargo build
In order to run the unit tests use the following command:
cargo test
If you want to run the program without installing it system-wide, use
cargo run -- <parameters-for-bin>
Tested on macOS Mojave, Ubuntu 18.10
rustup 1.18.3
rustc 1.33.0
cargo 1.33.0
If you have a newer version installed, please revert to 1.33.0 with
rustup default 1.33.0
Copyright (c) Alexander Koch 2019