Self-Restarting Python Appplication Development Tool. To simply put it, it aids with real-time python development.
I was looking for an efficient way to restart my real-time running apps while I was doing changes to the source code. There are a lot of opinions of what to use, but none come as a 1 exe file that does that for you.
Nadeshot Watcher uses Go-Routines to start proceses for you, in essence, it will start your Python Script / Bot for you and keep it running, until it detects file system changes, once that happens, it restarts it and removes the previous thread / go-routine.
Simple, if you use Docker, it doesn't like file system events, instead of using that, the program indexes everything consistently and then detects changes.
- Docker -> Docker
- Regular -> Windows / Linux
This program is part of Discord Nadeshot, my discord bot framework.
In the application directory, create a new file called: watcher.ini
Now the watcher is always rebooting