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My solutions of different Leetcode problems, challenges, interviews, and contests.


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My solutions of different Leetcode problems, challenges, interviews, and contests.

Versions of used programming languages:

  • Kotlin 1.3.71;
  • Java 14.

30 Days Leetcoding Challenge

Day Challenge Solution
April 1 Single Number Solution.kt
April 2 Happy Number Solution.kt
April 3 Maximum Subarray Solution.kt
April 4 Move Zeroes Solution.kt
April 5 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Solution.kt
April 6 Group Anagrams Solution.kt
April 7 Counting Elements Solution.kt
April 8 Middle of the Linked List Solution.kt
April 9 Backspace String Compare Solution.kt
April 10 Min Stack Solution.kt
April 11 Diameter of Binary Tree Solution.kt
April 12 Last Stone Weight Solution.kt
April 13 Contiguous Array Solution.kt
April 14 Perform String Shifts Solution.kt
April 15 Product of Array Except Self Solution.kt
April 16 Valid Parenthesis String Solution.kt
April 17 Number of Islands Solution.kt
April 18 Minimum Path Sum Solution.kt
April 19 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Solution.kt
April 20 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Solution.kt
April 21 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Solution.kt
April 22 Subarray Sum Equals K Solution.kt
April 23 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Solution.kt
April 24 LRU Cache LRUCache.kt
April 25 Jump Game Solution.kt
April 26 Longest Common Subsequence Solution.kt
April 27 Maximal Square Solution.kt
April 28 First Unique Number FirstUnique.kt
April 29 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Solution.kt
April 30 Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree Solution.kt

May LeetCoding Challenge

Day Challenge Solution
May 1 First Bad Version Solution.kt
May 2 Jewels and Stones Solution.kt
May 3 Ransom Note Solution.kt
May 4 Number Complement Solution.kt
May 5 First Unique Character in a String Solution.kt
May 6 Majority Element Solution.kt
May 7 Cousins in Binary Tree
May 8 Check If It Is a Straight Line Solution.kt
May 9 Valid Perfect Square Solution.kt
May 10 Find the Town Judge
May 11 Flood Fill Solution.kt
May 12 Single Element in a Sorted Array Solution.kt
May 13 Remove K Digits Solution.kt
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31


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