A curated list of awesome Vertica libraries, tools and resources.
Contributions are welcome. Please take a look at the contribution guidelines for details.
- vertica-python - Official Python driver.
- vertica-sql-go - Official Go driver.
- vcli - CLI with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- d2l - Infer table DDL from csv-like files.
- verticaextractor - Extract data from tables and write native binary files.
- verticareader - Convert native binary files to CSV files.
- verticat - Count the rows, and take rows from native binary files.
- QueryParser - Library to parse Vertica, Hive, and Presto SQL.
- VerticaPy - Machine learning toolkit.
- vertica-extension-packages - Official UDX samples.
- vertica-hyperloglog - HyperLogLog (approximate count distinct) UDX.
- vertica-plsql - Stored PL/SQL procedure in database or external.
- vertica-ami-packer-templates - AMI build templates.
- vertica-geospatial - Geospatial example applications.
- vertica-machine-learning-examples - In-database machine learning examples.
- Apache NiFi - Data integration & ETL platform.
- DataGrip - JDBC-based SQL IDE (Commercial Software).
- DBVisualizer - JDBC-based SQL IDE.
- DBeaver - JDBC-based SQL IDE.
- H2O Flow - Analytics & data science platform (Commercial Software).
- JasperSoft - Analytics, BI & ETL platform (Commercial Software).
- Knime - Analytics & data science platform (Commercial Software).
- Pentaho - Analytics, BI and ETL platform (Commercial Software).
- RapidMiner - Analytics & data science platform (Commercial Software).
- SQuirrel SQL - JDBC-based SQL IDE.
- vertica-grafana-datasource - A data source for Grafana.
- vertica-snippets - SQL code snippets for Emacs.
- docker-vertica - Docker image targetted at UDF development.
- Vertica Academy - Free self-paced online Vertica courses.
- Vertica Blog - The official blog.
- Vertica Documentation - The official documentation.
- Vertica Knowledge Base - Short how-to's, integration guides, and best practices articles.
- Vertica Forum - The official community forum.