Create a service account for Helm’s server component (tiller):
kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller && kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
Install tiller which is Helm’s server-side component:
helm init --skip-refresh --upgrade --service-account tiller
Create namespaces for OpenFaaS core components and OpenFaaS Functions:
kubectl apply -f
Add the OpenFaaS helm repository
helm repo add openfaas
Update all the charts for helm
helm repo update
Generate a random password
export PASSWORD=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)
Create a secret for the password
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic basic-auth --from-literal=basic-auth-user=admin --from-literal=basic-auth-password="$PASSWORD"
Install OpenFaaS using the chart
helm upgrade openfaas --install openfaas/openfaas --namespace openfaas --set functionNamespace=openfaas-fn --set basic_auth=true
Set the OPENFAAS_URL env-var
export OPENFAAS_URL=$(minikube ip):31112
Login using the CLI
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login -g http://$OPENFAAS_URL -u admin — password-stdin
Login to docker if using docker hub
docker login
Create node function using the faas cli
faas-cli new callme --lang node
Build, Push Docker image and deploy to openFaas
faas-cli build -f callme.yml
faas-cli push -f callme.yml
faas-cli deploy -f callme.yml --gateway $OPENFAAS_URL
faas-cli up -f callme.yml
Invoke function for tests using the cli
faas-cli invoke callme --gateway $OPENFAAS_URL
Invoke function for tests using curl command
curl -XGET http://$OPENFAAS_URL/function/callme
Install kafka connector Specify topics separated by a comma and set the borker host according to your kafka broker endpoint
helm repo add openfaas
helm upgrade kafka-connector openfaas/kafka-connector \
--install \
--namespace openfaas \
--set topics="mytopic" \
--set broker_host="" \
--set print_response="true" \
--set print_response_body="true"
Modify callme.yml by adding annotation to function
topic: mytopic
Visualize logs
kubectl logs -n openfaas deploy/kafka-connector -f
Send messages to topic in order to validate trigger
.\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list --topic mytopic