#Interact Puzzles by Alex Lee
##About Interact Puzzles is a web application that turns any image into a puzzle. Users can register and upload and share puzzles.
##Approach I started by coding the javascript functions that would generate and run the puzzle "game". The challenge I set myself was to shuffle the puzzle pieces in the puzzle area.
Once the puzzle functionality was complete and running smoothly, I added the user sign up and sign in functions to the app. I created the main page to show all user puzzles so that when the page is first visited you get the option to play a puzzle straight away. The last part to complete was the user's ability to upload images to generate and share their own puzzles and a page to view the users puzzles.
- User accounts for uploading images to be played as puzzles
- Puzzles can be played on a grid of 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 or 9x9
- Puzzles can even be shared by using the url https://interact-puzzle.herokuapp.com/puzzles/[puzzle name]/[grid size] e.g. https://interact-puzzle.herokuapp.com/puzzles/Apollo/3 Naturally, this means a grid of almost any size can be played. Can make for some crazy puzzles!
- If you snap a puzzle piece onto a position on the puzzle board and then place the correct piece on top of it, the first piece will be lost and the puzzle will be unsolvable
interact.js (http://interactjs.io/)
- interact.js is a jQuery plugin that provides functions to create drag and drop, resizing, and multitouch in javascript.
Cloudinary (https://github.com/cloudinary/cloudinary_gem)
- Cloudinary is a cloud services that allows user to upload images and videos with editing capabilities.
Paloma (https://github.com/kbparagua/paloma)
- This ruby gem provides the ability to create page-specific javascript. It also allows you to pass Ruby/Rails params into your javascript files.