This Laravel package adds profile page, account page, and extra features to Laravel's built-in Auth system
- Bootstrap 4
- Laravel 5.3+
It is recommended to install this package in a fresh installation of Laravel.
This package is integrated with Laravel's built-in Auth System, so you must first run this command if you have not run it yet:
php artisan make:auth
Now go to your (env) file and make sure that you have selected your database.
Now install the package using composer by running the following command:
composer require aliabdulaziz/laravel-extended-user
Go to: (Your Laravel App) --> config --> app.php
and add the following line under 'Package Service Providers' comment:
Run the following command to publish the package config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelExtendedUser\LaravelExtendedUserServiceProvider" --tag=config
The config file is named (laravelextendeduser.php) and will be located in the 'config' folder.
Run the following command to publish the package assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelExtendedUser\LaravelExtendedUserServiceProvider" --tag=assets
Run the artisan migrate command to create the users table:
this command will also migrate the package migration file by which the profile field is added to the users table.
php artisan migrate
The following command will create a symbolic link from 'public/storage' to 'storage/app/public'. This is neccessary to access the user profile image (avatar).
php artisan storage:link
Now you can access the 'profile' and the 'account' pages by visiting the following routes:
- /profile
- /account
To customize the package default views publish them to your views folder by running the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelExtendedUser\LaravelExtendedUserServiceProvider" --tag=views
Now make whatever customization you want on the published views.
you can also publish the assets source files (sass and js files) by running the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aliabdulaziz\LaravelExtendedUser\LaravelExtendedUserServiceProvider" --tag=src
these files will be located in (Your Laravel app) --> resources --> assets --> vendor --> laravelextendeduser.