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Releases: alibaba/nacos

1.4.6 (Mar 25th, 2023)

25 May 08:09
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  • [#10217] Fix can't read problem.
  • [#10525] Fix nacos client ram role usage problem.
  • #10532 Upgrade spring boot version.
  • #10542 Add classes whitelist for HessianSerializer.

The version mainly fixes an RCE vulnerability caused by unbounded use of hessian during some Jraft request processing.

The vulnerability only affects port 7848 (by default), which is typically used as the communication port for Nacos cluster inter-raft protocol and does not handle client requests. Therefore, the risk can be controlled by disabling requests from outside of Nacos clusters (e.g. by limiting or not exposing the port) in older versions.


  • [#10217] Fix can't read problem.
  • [#10525] Fix nacos client ram role usage problem.
  • #10532 Upgrade spring boot version.
  • #10542 Add classes whitelist for HessianSerializer.

2.2.2 (Apr 11, 2023)

11 Apr 08:30
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Nacos recently released versions and 2.2.1, which have made major changes to the default authentication plugin to remove the some default values of authentication plugin. For details, see Risk Description and 2.2.1 release.

But Nacos default console ui relies on token.secret.key by default, after removing the default value of token.secret.key, many new users who use the latest version image by default have a large number of startup failures. The situation has a great impact on the usability of users.

Therefore, version 2.2.2 is mainly optimized for this problem.


[#10153] Close console login page when auth.enabled is false.
[#10276] Default close openssl for client.


[#10208] Remove

2.2.1 (Mar 17th, 2023)

17 Mar 10:55
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This version is mainly Specially, Remove default value of token.secret.key and server.identity. Detail see: announcement.

And this version upgrade many dependencies such as spring-boot, Grpc, jraft and so on.

What's more, This version add a beta feature, make the grpc request support TLS, and fix some bugs and enhance some usage problems.

Detail see:


[#9276] Add search config by content.
[#9703] add catalog v2 API to support list instances which is un-enabled.
[#9710] Support prometheus-sd basic auth.
[#9888] Beta support Grpc TLS feature.
[#10062] Naming support aliyun STS auth.


[#9510] Add sql log print function.
[#9646] Replace concatenated strings with placeholders.
[#9708] Clean expired and invalid connections for HTTP client.
[#9783] Handle public namespaceId as default namespaceId for publish and query config for V2 http api.
[#9837] Enhance Grpc connected time when cluster started to load snapshot quickly.
[#9859] Refactor default auth plugin, use custom JWT instead of jjwt.
[#9860] Adapt logback 1.4.5 by SPI.
[#9885] Add prometheus api exception handling.
[#9949] Use Grpc replace all Http request between servers.
[#9951] Judge the message whether null for metadata processor.
[#10084] Client use Async appender to print log.
[#10108] Remove identity default value.


[#9621] Fix Config Client server check always up problem.
[#9728] Fix prometheus http sd only return public namespace problem.
[#9732] Fix namespace v2 api auth not work problem.
[#9734] Fix http login url without default port problem.
[#9795] Fix export config failure problem for non admin user after opening auth.
[#9816] Fix redo data is different from server when register and unregister service with concurrency.
[#9819] Fix update password failure problem after use nginx.
[#9825] Fix config histroy page paged problem.
[#9861] Fix auth check before distro filter.
[#9862] Fix LDAP login failed.
[#9943] Fix Config cas update can't work when using derby database.
[#10014] Clear confused logic about namespace properties.
[#10038] Fix load failover file failure.


[#9504][#9767] Upgeade-spring-boot version to 2.6.14.
[#9789] Upgrade jraft version to 1.3.12.
[#9772] Upgrade Grpc version to 1.50.2.
[#9985] Replace flatten-maven-plugin with easyj-maven-plugin.
[#10091] Upgrade snakeYaml to 2.0.

1.4.5 (Mar 17th, 2023)

17 Mar 10:28
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This version mainly upgrade the spring boot version to 2.6.8 and do some fix from v2.x.

Specially, Remove default value of token.secret.key and server.identity.

Details see following:


[#9064] Enhance error message and error code by merging #9045 and #8881 into v1.x.
[#10089] Enhance STS auth for naming and async client log into v1.x.
[#10108]Remove identity default value.


[#3720] Fix not admin user can change others password by api.
[#8979] Fix some ui problem by merging #8787#8156 and #7364 into the v1.
[#9020] Fix startup failed without prefix CUSTOM_SEARCH_LOCATIONS.


[#8541] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.8. (March 2nd, 2023)

02 Mar 01:36
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该版本移除了默认鉴权插件中依赖的nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.secret.key默认值,在部署新版本时必须要输入自定义的有效token.secret.key 用于登陆后的accessToken生成。


旧版本不是必须升级到这个版本, 只需要根据文档修改对应token.secret.key即可修复问题。


  • [#9992] Remove the default token.secret.key.

This version removes nacos.core.auth.plugin.nacos.token.secret.key which is dependent on the default authentication plugin. When deploying with new version, users must set the custom valid token.secret.key to generate accessToken for login.

This change is to avoid security risks when users directly use the default configuration, and improve the security during using this component.

The old version does not have to be upgraded to this version, just modify the token.secret.key according to documentation to repair problem.


  • [#9992] Remove the default token.secret.key.


22 Dec 02:58
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2.2.1-RC Pre-release

Only release for nacos-client to support GraalVM and support native runtime by #9738.

Refer to #6869 and #9085.

2.2.0 (Dec 14, 2022)

14 Dec 06:33
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This version is an important version which include some large changes.

The first important change is remove the old redundant codes about 1.x naming and double write relative codes. After changed, The 2.2.0 version will can't upgraded from Nacos 1.X server, only can upgraded from at least version 2.0.0. The changes will not effect the adapt for 1.X client request, users can still use 1.X client with 2.2.0 version.

The second important change is adding several plugins:

  • datasource plugin, which added by Asoc 2022 project to support other DBs.
  • custom environment plugin, which added by community to handle configurations of Nacos server, such as decrypt database password.
  • connection limit plugin, which refactored from old limit module, to extend more abilities to protect Nacos server under high pressure.

The third important change is to enhance the beta feature Tracing plugin and batch register, which make them more easy to use.

Detail see:


[#5863][#9331] Support batch register and batch deregister service.
[#8308] Add v2 openAPI for nacos 2.0.
[#8312] Support datasource plugins.
[#8481] Support track tracing plugins.
[#8694] Support prometheus http service discovery(prometheus http sd).
[#9318] Support caseSentive for Ldap auth plugin.
[#9366] Support Ldaps authentication.


[#7930] Reomve old redundant codes about 1.x naming.
[#9391] Optimization Chooser.
[#9393] Make server stop auto when starting error.
[#9414] Optimize fuzzy queries to make SQL more general.
[#9415][#9449][#9466][#9497] Enhancement datasource plugins.
[#9423] ExternalDataSourceProperties add isEmpty check to support external config.
[#9459] Modify the method modifier of NacosApplicationListener to default.
[#9471] Keep console query condition in configuration After return list config pages.
[#9597] Keep console query condition in discovery After return list service pages.
[#9615] Enhance client choose server node to request server more dispersed.
[#9653] Refactor connection limit module to plugin.


[#9334] Fix group_id data length different in many tables.
[#9341] Fix can not create bean ldapAuthenticationProvider.
[#9351] Fix instance count error in prometheus metrics.
[#9367] Fix auth plugin's property 'token.secret.key' base64 decode error.
[#9408][#9437] Fix console namespace list deploy problems.
[#9461] Fix ClientWorker NullPointer judgement order.
[#9474] Fix some instance is unhealthy after change to http health check.
[#9478] Fix the chooser bug when all instances have a zero weight.
[#9584] Fix console configuration query button overflow hidden problem.
[#9586] Fix problem of deregister instance failure after service expired metadata auto clean.


[#9652] Upgrade ui dependencies to fix some depend vulnerability.

2.2.0-BETA (Oct 28, 2022)

28 Oct 09:19
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This version is an important version which include some large changes.

The first important change is remove the old redundant codes about 1.x naming and double write relative codes. After changed, The 2.2.0 version will can't upgraded from Nacos 1.X server, only can upgraded from at least version 2.0.0. The changes will not effect the adapt for 1.X client request, users can still use 1.X client with 2.2.0 version.

The second important change is merging some of Asoc2022 and Summer2022 topic results, such as v2.0 openAPI and datasource plugins. Other topics will publish in future versions.

The third important change is to enhance the beta feature Tracing plugin and batch register, which make them more easy to use.

Due to many important changes in this version, so community plan to do a pre-release BETA version. According the beta result, The next version plan to Beta2 or GA release.

Detail see:


[#5863][#9331] Support batch register and batch deregister service.
[#8308] Add v2 openAPI for nacos 2.0.
[#8312] Support datasource plugins.
[#8481] Support track tracing plugins.
[#9366] Support Ldaps authentication.


[#7930] Remove old redundant codes about 1.x naming.


[#9334] Fix group_id data length different in many tables.
[#9341] Fix can not create bean ldapAuthenticationProvider.
[#9351] Fix instance count error in prometheus metrics.

2.1.2 (Oct 17th, 2022)

17 Oct 06:55
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This version mainly enhance the console UI, release pure nacos client without shaded and fix lots of bugs.

The next version plan to release 2.2.0, which include many of new plugins.

Detail see:


[#6112] Unified derby-data variables.
[#7929] Reduce nacos-client jar size by minijar.
[#8941] Support Fuzzy Query in Authority Control--for api change.
[#8956] Internationalize product description content in nacos console.
[#8976] Create new namespace with duplicate namespace show name.
[#9091] build pure nacos-client when release.
[#9210] Naming Distro sync support revision.


[#8611] Close old datasource connection.
[#8650] Make cluster/report both receive and send metadata.
[#9013] refactor rpcClient and grpcClient to support set configuration.
[#9014] refactor TpsMonitorPoint.
[#9177] Upgrade org.yaml.snakeyaml version from 1.30 to 1.32
[#9325] Add switch for naming async query.


[#8882] Fix nacos-client 2.1.0 start error when using endpoint configuration.
[#8910] Fix calculate instance count error when using batch register.
[#8925] Fix the value of hasQueryString is always false.
[#8928] Fix the replaceAll operation is invalid for server list.
[#8931] Fix BatchInstanceData can't serialize problem.
[#8934] Fix header lost when request retrying.
[#8947] Fix the authentication/encryption plugin are not loaded on the nacos server.
[#9023] Fix corner case config dataId 'cipher-' can't be create.
[#9047] Fix ServerListMgr is not shutdown in nacos-client.
[#9060] Fix print logs for NamingTraceEvent continuously.
[#9062] Fix unsubscribe service failed problem.
[#9101] Fix the ConnectionTimeout property in the datasource connection is overwritten problem.
[#9227] Fix instance change event subscribe failed in 2.1.1 when no setting scope.
[#9230] Fix error event order for snapshot loading.
[#9269] Fix RpcClient parse ipv6 address error problem.
[#9271][#6876] Fix 'JraftServer' NPE after server exceptionally shutdown.
[#9277] Fix ClientServiceIndex not clean when service removed.
[#9305] Fix build resource with error dataId.
[#9311] Fix cache not removed when listener adding delay.
[#9323] Fix service checking problem in 1.x http openAPI.

2.1.1 (Aug 8th, 2022)

08 Aug 10:14
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This version mainly fix lots of bugs in 2.1.0 version and upgrade many dependencies to fix some big problem.

At the same time, community do some of enhancement for performance such as default auth plugin, Grpc request and distro protocol.

Finally, This version add two beta feature -- batchRegister and trace event. The first beta feature is used by proxy register situation like nacos-sync.
The second beta feature is used to get the information of config or service changes. It will be a new plugin for community.

Detail see:


[#5863] (BETA) Support batch register service.
[#7424] Add version data compare in the history list.
[#8305] (REMOVE) Remove leave nacos server nodes API temporarily.
[#8481] (BETA) Add TRACE Event to server.
[#8755] Add default fuzzy search feature.


[#8099] Fast failure for distro sync task and verify task if cluster disconnect.
[#8150] Add the namespace description item to the namespace list page.
[#8345] Add validation for service cluster name.
[#8515] Optimize some code in InetUtils.
[#8561] Enhance default authentication plugin performance.
[#8574] Enhance filter service info for push callback.
[#8592] Ehhance GrpcUtil memory and cpu cost.
[#8622] Add NacosEnvironment and add some unit tests.


[#8369] Remove mina dependency.
[#8383] Upgrade jackson version to
[#8421] Remove commonOkHttp dependency.
[#8472] Remove useless dependency.
[#8479] Refactor singleton construction as private.
[#8540] Upgrade spring-boot version to 2.6.8.
[#8594] Makes distro data load timeout can be configured.
[#8596] Explicitly specify spring-boot-maven-plugin version same as spring-boot.
[#8623] Upgrade mysql-connector-java to 8.0.28.


[#7039] Fix config encryptedData md5 calculation problem.
[#8153] Fix NPE for AutoExpireCache.
[#8243][#8653] Fix health check plugin problem.
[#8275] Fix can't register service when use skywalking.
[#8295] Fix can't login when use embedded storage in cluster model.
[#8318] Fix findAllConfigInfoForDumpAll sql args error.
[#8372] Fix client can't use https connection.
[#8424] Fix cycle dependency problem.
[#8428] Fix naming subscribe bug when multiple NamingService.
[#8505] Fix log configuration conflict in spring-boot project.
[#8514][#8539] Fix prometheus api error in client.
[#8516] Fix the persistent instance becomes a temporary instance.
[#8602] Fix display error after delete current namespace.
[#8632] Fix subscribe disabled instance problem in the first time.
[#8635] Fix NPE when call the shutdown method.
[#8720] Fix the problem that config aspect invalid problem.
[#8742] Fix change instance metadata, the revision of service not change.
[#8784] Fix some bugs for Console UI.
[#8833] Fix import config failed when open auth.
[#8880] Fix constantly loading config when not read permission.


[#4982][#8344] Fix naming module unit test and generate jacoco coverage report.