a simple Recommender System this project contain two phase
Phase1: I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL to make a .html page for data gathering and another .php page for inserting data to a mysql database. It is accessible from this link: http://rabin.freehost.io/ https://github.com/alifallahi/RecommenderSystem/tree/Phase1_DataGathering
Phase2: I used Python to create a recommender systems from 69 submitted data https://github.com/alifallahi/RecommenderSystem/tree/Phase2_Prediction
Phase 3: I'm going to complete it. Notes of Phase 3: In this project totally we have 30 movies in our database When a user goes to the website, the system will give her/him 10 movie randomly. The user rates them from 1 to 5. After that according to phase2 system recommend 5 movies (from other 20 movies in the database) Finally the user will rate the accuracy of system recommendations.