This project is a part of the Udacity's "Robotics Software Nano-degree" program. The goal of this project is to learn the basics of ROS. In this project, a robot has been designed and placed inside a simulation and the task of the robot is to follow a white colored ball. The robot has been placed inside the world which was created for the previous project - Build My World.
##Description: Following are the main objectives:
- Understanding and creating a urdf file for a 2-wheel differential drive robot.
- Understand how a Gazebo model is interfaced with a simulation through Gazebo plugins.
- Creating ROS nodes. Define publishers and subscribers. Write ROS service for driving the robot when a white ball is detected.
- Learning how to include multiple sensors and analyze the data in RViz.
To run the simulation, use the following lines of code:
cd catkin_ws
roslaunch my_robot world.launch
roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch