Some quick and dirty "week end" projects over reading break 2019
This repo is temporary deprecated, as reading break has ended. I will re-continue when I start cmpt 412 (CV) and cmpt 414 (model based CV) In the mean time, I am focusing on Deep Learning and Finance. My CNNs can be found here
- Find an Ali. Used this educational source
Facial recognition using a HAAR cascade (Very basic)
- License Plate OCR
Given an image of a License plate, Output all the text found.
I failed to process the image in a way such that pyTesseract-OCR will work consistently; works ~70% of the time
- AIplays GTA V
coming soon
Items 1,and 2 made in a single weekend (feb 16-17, 2019; Hackaton style)
GOTO repo\Aproject
- Find an Ali
Pull requests are welcome
- A working Licence Plate OCR
- Recycling helper app (paper,cans/bottles;compost;garbage)
- AIplays GTA V