Giphy Explorer is a Vue.js application showcasing basic elements of the framework. It allows the users to explore giphs offered by the
- ensure you have Node.js installed
- clone the repo:
git clone
- go to the source directory:
cd vue-giphy-explorer
- set the Giphy api key
- register for a developer account at
- create an app
- copy Giphy API key
- set the key in
- install dependencies:
npm install
- run development server:
npm run serve
- open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/
Some of the libraries being used in Giphy Explorer
- Vue.js (progressive JavaScript framework for developing single page applications),
- axios (promise based HTTP JavaScript client),
- qs (query string parsing library),
- Bootstrap (responsive web user interface framework),
- Humps (framework for converting JavaScript objects with underscore-case property naming notation to camel-case and back),
- Inversify Props (dependency injection framework for JavaScript),
- rxjs (reactive extensions for JavaScript),
- Vue Material Design Icon Components (Vue.js wrappers for Material Design Icons),
- vuex (Vue.js state management library),
- Vue Router (Vue.js routing library),