Flig is a fast and easy linkblog written on Python with Flask and friends
Create new virtual env:
mkdir flig_env
cd test_env/
virtualenv .
Clone project from GitHub:
git clone git@github.com:allaud/Flig.git
Install dependencies:
bin/pip install -r Flig/deploy/requirements.txt
Fix default flask-oauth bug by fetching fresh version:
bin/pip uninstall flask-oauth
bin/pip install git+git://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-oauth.git
Create database:
>>> from Flig.models import db
>>> db.create_all()
>>> quit()
Let SQLite to make changes in db file:
chmod -R o+w Flig/db
Run project:
bin/python Flig/run.py
Of course, you can add your own keys into config/params.py