Bounty Hunter is a BZFlag plugin that will award points to players who stop the rampage of another player. The longer the rampage a player has been on, the more the killer will be rewarded.
- Vladimir "allejo" Jimenez
- BZFlag 2.4.0
Check out the BZFlag source code.
git clone -b v2_4_x bzflag
Go into the newly checked out source code and then the plugins directory.
cd bzflag/plugins
Create a plugin using the bountyHunter
Delete the newly create bountyHunter directory.
rm -rf bountyHunter
Run a git clone of this repository from within the plugins directory. This should have created a new bountyHunter directory within the plugins directory.
git clone
Instruct the build system to generate a Makefile and then compile and install the plugin.
cd ..; ./; ./configure; make; make install;
Go into the bountyHunter folder located in your plugins folder.
Pull the changes from Git.
git pull origin master
(Optional) If you have made local changes to any of the files from this project, you may receive conflict errors where you may resolve the conflicts yourself or you may simply overwrite your changes with whatever is in the repository, which is recommended. If you have a conflict every time you update because of your local change, submit a pull request and it will be accepted, provided it's a reasonable change.
git reset --hard origin/master; git pull
Compile the changes.
make; make install;
To use this plugin after it has been compiled, simply load the plugin via the configuration file.
-loadplugin /path/to/