This repo provides a bunch of scripts and configs to work with Gopass in i3wm:
- i3wm config - set of menus and hotkeys to call a bash script
- bash script - wrapper which handles different behaviour
- rofi theme - a simple theme file adopted from the default one
One of the behaviour that bash script provides - is an ability to share a password via nginx web server
rofi, xdotool, tilix (for qr codes)
Pressing $mod+Print
- displaying a rofi menu, selecting the item will:
- copy the password to clipboard
- store a path to selected item in /dev/shm/dmenu-pass on the localhost
That is covering a most basic everyday needs with fast searching for a passwords
Gopass menu $mod+Ctrl+Print
Here you find a 7 different hotkeys that can expand the usage of the gopass.
All additional hotkeys are using Mod1 modifier to prevent from accidential pressing.
Before using a menu you should select an item with $mod+Print
- type 'username' entry from item if found oneMod1+p
- type password. Extremely helpful on a remove consoles eg VmWareMod1+u
- type 'url' entry from item if found oneMod1+e
- type an entry nameMod1+c
- add password to clipboard (as$mod+Print
- display a qr code for a password with a drop-down tilix terminalMod1+s
- publish a secret on nginx server via ssh and placing an URI to clipboard
Only few vars to mention:
The idia behind is to use a drop-down quake-like console of tilix terminal and print qr code there.
- site path, in order to use sharing
- your ssh server with nginx
A modified theme came with PeuxOS I guess. Didn't spent there much, just updated a colors, columns and made it transparent. Credentials saved.
In order to use a sharing you will need to have an nginx server accessible via ssh. I'll left behind .ssh_config and keys.
I've chosed to use a subdomain and issued letsencrypt certs for sharing domain. Make what feets you best. If you don't have a root on the nginx server set paths in cronjob and nginx config accordingly.
In this package you'll find a nginx confg example and crontask.
The default behaviour is to remove a secret just after it has been accessed
All unnopened more than 24h secrets removing as well.
In first run you should create a directories on server
mkdir -p /dev/shm/pass/share && chown -R root:nginx /dev/shm/pass && chmod -R 750 /dev/shm/pass
I hope someone will find this package useful
Feel free to use it, improve and leave comments.
Please, point me out if I missed something important.
No warranty, using of this package assume you know what you are doing ;)