A web app connecting respected members of the design/tech community with people who look up to them.
Austin is a tech city. There are many conferences to attend, and many respected minds travel there to speak. If you're bold enough, you might be able to meet someone you look up to. That can be challenging, though. Not everyone is outgoing, and even extroverts can have a hard time getting to someone they would like to meet. On the other side of it, many speakers would like to meet people who want to meet them, but meeting with a large group of people can be tricky, as well as draining.
Buzz is a way for respected members of the design/tech community to meet with someone who would really like to meet them. People would enter a drawing to win a meeting with a respected member of the design/tech community.
To level the playing field so everyone has an equal opportunity to meet someone they admire.
Content strategy will be a challenge. It will be interesting coming up with content for a raffle application.
Primarily new and up-and-coming designers and developers.
- 3+ types of design research
- User Flows (not included in 3 types of design research)
- 4+ Responsive sketches with 2+ breakpoints each (mobile plus 2 more Media Queries)
- 3+ Style Tiles including written concepts on each one (1 - 2 paragraphs)
- Wireframes for 2 pages (in 2 sizes)
- Mockups for 2 pages (in 2 sizes)
- 4+ HTML, 1+ compiled CSS file (with Sass)
- Reset CSS coding (Reset.css or Normalize.css)
- Responsive Site with 3+ views
- One or more JS- or jQuery-dependent plugins (or hand written code) that adds to the user experience of the site
- All work including sketches, wireframes, etc, are uploaded to GitHub and GH-pages, and each repo is named well and includes a readme file
- Icon set of 3–5 icons custom designed for project
- A coded Style Guide (HTML and CSS) that includes the typography, the colors, buttons, icons, and other documentation for the design
- Final Website or Web App
- A write-up of the concept and process up to 400 words, as a README.md on GitHub along with a live github.io project
- Final 5-minute Presentation
- Day 1: Initial Research (User Surveys: Participants & Speakers, SWOT Analysis, Word List)
- Day 2: Finalizing Research (Competitive Analysis, Survey Data Analysis, Proposal)
- Day 3: Content Strategy (User Flows, Copy Writing)
- Day 4: Planning (Sketches, Style Tiles)
- Day 5: Wireframes
- Day 6: Mockups
- Day 7: Code
- Day 8: Code
- Day 9: Code
- Day 10: Code
- Day 11: Icons
- Day 12: Testing
- Day 13: Coding, Style Guide
- Day 14: Style Guide
- Day 15: Presentation Prep
- Gives new / up-and-coming professionals a chance to meet a respected member of their field
- Currently no competitors
- Benefits any conference at which the person is speaking
- There might not be any real interest
- Conferences might not like the idea of people meeting with their speakers outside the conference
- People might not like the idea of a raffle
- Possibility of working with conferences to set up meetings as a perk
- Possibility of collecting donations for charitable organizations as a fee for entry
- Conferences could start organizing meetings like this as part of their schedule, eliminating the need for this app
- Speakers might decide something like this is too much to handle
Questions? Comments? Email me.