The Metronom UI is created in Embedded wizard, programming language Chora.
- A metronome is a device that produces an audible click or other sound at a regular interval that can be set by the user, typically in beats per minute. Musicians use the device to practise playing to a regular pulse.
- This project implements a digital metronom interface(GUI), it was made in Embedded Wizard Studio, , programming language Chora( it is mixt of C, C++ and Java). The user has three style themes to choose from.
Go to Embedded Wizard official page and download free edition. Follow the setup instructions.
- Get the code:
git clone
Open Embedded Wizard, go to Project -> Open -> ...\Metronom\Metronom and start prototyper (▷) or press Ctrl+F5.
Test the application 😀.
❗ If you have any difficulties understanding the code, the documentation will help.
In the future we hope to add a voice effect to the application interface.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Contributors are welcome to help with the future development goal.