- CSS, Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
Helps user calculate the perfect playlist length with our YouTube playlist Length Calculator.
➡ Provide users with essential playlist statistics when user visits the playlist page on YouTube. e.g.,
- Total number of videos in the playlist.
- Total duration of all videos in the playlist.
- Average duration of videos in the playlist.
- Total Duration various playback speeds like 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2.0x.
➡ User can also toggle between "Dark" and "Light" mode.
➡ Uses cookies to set "Light" and "Dark" mode.
▶ Dark Mode ◀
▶ Light Mode ◀
▶ When user is not on YouTube Playlist Page ◀
▶ Fullscreen View ◀