Minimal eslint typescript plugin that provides some basic linting around IoC. Should work with popular node IoC packages(inversify, ts-syringe) and NestJs.
// .eslintrs.js
module.exports = {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: './tsconfig.json',
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['ioc'],
rules: {
'ioc/injection-token': 'error',
In ts inject decorator, due to poor reflection capabilities, has to have explicit injection token provided as a parameter. Since there is no way of implementing type safe inject decorator, that approach is error-prone. This rule aims to improve that(a little) by injection token name and type comparison. Ofc that won't work in some cases, but with strict interface and token naming convention it can save few wtf's per line of code ;)
const IOrganizationsDatabaseToken = Symbol.for('IOrganizationsDatabase');
interface IOrganizationsDatabase {};
class GetOrganizationQueryHandler {
// error
private database: IOrganizationsDatabase,
) {
const IUsersDatabaseToken = Symbol.for('IUsersDatabase');
interface IUsersDatabase {};
class GetUserQueryHandler {
// correct
private database: IUsersDatabase,
) {
- set to some regexp to enforce strict naming patter of injection tokensinjectDecoratorRegex
- set to some regexp if you are using other naming for inject decorators than /^(i|I)nject$/
Lint injection token type
- array of allowed types, can be:['symbol', 'string', 'object']
- set to some regexp to enforce strict naming patter of injection tokensinjectDecoratorRegex
- set to some regexp if you are using other naming for inject decorators than/^(i|I)nject$/
Forbid class(implementation) injection
class OrganizationsDatabase {};
class GetOrganizationQueryHandler
implements IGetOrganization {
// error
private database: OrganizationsDatabase,
) {
- set to some regexp if you are using other naming for inject decorators than/^(i|I)nject$/
// .eslintrs.js
module.exports = {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: './tsconfig.json',
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['ioc'],
rules: {
'ioc/injection-token': [
'error', {
injectDecoratorRegex: /^(i|I)nject$/,
injectionTokenNameRegex: /^[A-z]*Token$/
'ioc/injection-token-type': [
'error', {
allowedTypes: ['symbol'],
injectDecoratorRegex: /^(i|I)nject$/
'ioc/class-injection': [
'error', {
injectDecoratorRegex: /^(i|I)nject$/