This is a simple tool that I made for myself to make the process of weeding through hundereds of photos a bit easier. Often I use exposure bracketing which gives me more chances for my shots (lighting, focus, etc) but also results in images that are often very over/underexposed in some conditions.
This tool will allow you to scan a folder of images and move the ones that you would normally weed out into a different place.
If you have never used a terminal/cmd line, I am sorry but no gui is planned for this tool - but now is a great time to learn (it is super easy to use).
I have tested this tool on linux (ubuntu 16.04) and should work on all *nix/osx distros without a hiccup (assuming all prereqs are installed). I have only briefly tested this with cygwin on windows (working), but am not focused on windows development. If you run into errors, send along the logs to the issue tracker and maybe we can figure it out!
You use this tool at YOUR OWN RISK. I have tested it and it works for my needs, but as with anything that can manipulate your precious photos - make a backup just in case. It should not delete anything, and only moves things around, but better safe than sorry. Cheers!
To run this tool, you will need a few things first:
Let's open up a terminal and get things rolling!
$ git clone
$ cd AutoExposureChecker
--> Windows only (admin)! $ npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
$ npm install
Note: You can just download the repo in a zip from github if you are not familiar with git.
./exposure.js images_path [--underExposed, -u 0.25] [--overExposed, -o 0.75] [--format, -f .CR2]
required arguments:
image_path Path of the folder to scan, ex: ~/Photos/test, C:/test/December25 (windows use forward slashes and caps on drive).
Note: this tool does not recursively scan folders and I don't think it should (for image safety).
optional arguments:
--underExposed, -u Lower bound threshold of the average pixel value of the image (from 0-1.0).
Anything below this value will be considered underexposed and moved.
(Default: 0.25)
--overExposed, -o Upper bound threshold of the average pixel value of the image (from 0-1.0).
Anything above this value will be considered overexposed and moved.
(Default: 0.75)
--format, -f Image format that the tool will process and check.
(Default: .CR2)