Performs a series of commands to take a snapshot of the state of your Linux machine. Among things to consider for this system configuration snapshot include : mounted filesystems, running processes, network stats, hardware configurations, to name a few. With such information captured you have a better chance of fixing system problems quickly and reducing down time.
One line install (you must run this command as root) :
# curl -o \
/usr/local/sbin/sysconfig-snapshot && chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/sysconfig-snapshot
# sysconfig-snapshot [--output file] [--compress] [--help] [--version]
Take a snapshot of the system. The resulting text file will be located in the /var/log/sysconfig-snapshot directory :
# sysconfig-snapshot
Compressing the default snapshot file :
# sysconfig-snapshot --compress
You can also save the snapshot in a different text file :
# sysconfig-snapshot --output myreport
Same result but in compressed format :
# sysconfig-snapshot --compress --output myreport
GNU GPL v2.0, see LICENSE.