Team member information
NAME and EMAIL Surabhi Patil, 001251860, Amitha_Murali, 001643826, Jyoti Sharma, 001643410,
Prerequisites for building and deploying your application locally.
- Linux environment
- Java 8
- IntelliJ
- Gradle
- Apache Tomcat 8.5.20
- Jmeter for functional and load test
Build and Deploy instructions for web application.
- Open code in IntelliJ
- Setup Tomcat Local configuration and add war file to the deployment configuration
- Build War file
- Run the project
- Use either command line (Terminal) or Postman to test the endpoints. In terminal: 1) $ curl http://localhost:8080 2) $ curl -u user:password http://localhost:8080
Instructions to run unit, integration and/or load tests.
- Prereq: Application should be up and running.
- Right click the test folder under the project src folder and select "Run all tests with coverage".
- Create a test plan
- Add thread group
- Set the no of thread and user to 100
- Add HTTP requests in the thread group
- Run the test
Link to TravisCI build for the project.