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About tgext.socketio

tgext.socketio provides an easy way to implement SocketIO in TurboGears2. SocketIO support is provided by gevent-socketio and specific SocketIO server based on gevent is provided.


tgextsocketio can be installed from pypi:

pip install tgext.socketio


SocketIO support requires a custom GEvent based HTTP server to work correctly, remember to edit your development.ini and add:

# SOCKETIO doesn't work with debug mode
debug = false

use = egg:tgext.socketio#socketio
socketio_resource = socketio

host =
port = 8080

tgext.socketio#socketio is the server provided by tgext.socketio to correctly support SocketIO, while socketio_resource is the path of your SocketIOController class.

By default socketio is used so you can mount a SocketIOController subclass under the RootController or you can mount it in any other location and change your socketio_resource option.

Using SocketIOController

SocketIOController works like any other TurboGears controller but supports serving SocketIOTGNamespace as sub controllers. SocketIOController can also behave like any other TG Controller and provide normal web pages.

SocketIOTGNamespace are subclasses of socketio.namespace.Basenamespace with additional TurboGears features like @validate and @require support. Please keep in mind that SocketIOTGNamespace requires at least TurboGears 2.3.1, if you want to use a previous TurboGears version you can still use SocketIOController with plain socketio.namespace.Basenamespace classes.

Usage Example

The following is a very simple example that handles two type of events ping and fireball and response on real time to those:

from tgext.socketio import SocketIOTGNamespace, SocketIOController

class PingPong(SocketIOTGNamespace):
    def on_ping(self, attack):
        if attack['type'] == 'fireball':
            for i in range(10):

class SocketIO(SocketIOController):
    pingpong = PingPong

    def page(self, **kw):
        return '''
        <a class="ping" href="#" data-attack="ping">Ping</a>
        <a class="ping" href="#" data-attack="fireball">Fireball</a>
        <a class="ping" href="#" data-attack="auto">Auto</a>
        <a class="ping" href="#" data-attack="error">Error</a>
    <div id="result"></div>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
        var socket = io.connect('/pingpong', {'resource':'socketio'});
            $('#result').append(data.sound + '<br/>');
        socket.on('error',function(error, info) {
            if (error == 'method_access_denied') { alert(info); }
            else { console.log(info); alert(error); }

class RootController(BaseController):
    socketio = SocketIO()

Keep in mind that the SocketIOController must be mounted in the same location specified by socketio_resource property in your configuration file.

Using Validators and Requirements

SocketIOTGNamespace also supports using @validate and @require TurboGears decorators.

The same example can be changed to provide validation and permission checks with a few lines of code:

from tg import validate, require, predicates
from tg.validation import TGValidationError
import random

class NoFireBallValidator(object):
    def to_python(self, value, *args, **kw):
        type_ = value['type']
        if type_ == 'auto':
            return {'type': random.choice(['ping', 'fireball'])}
        elif type_ == 'error':
            raise TGValidationError('Got an error!')

        return value

class PingPong(SocketIOTGNamespace):
    @validate({'attack': NoFireBallValidator()})
    def on_ping(self, attack):
        if attack['type'] == 'fireball':
            for i in range(10):

PubSub Support

tgext.socketio has builtin support for PubSub paradigm based on anypubsub library. If you want to use PubSub you should install anypubsub through pip install anypubsub or add it to your project dependencies.

PubSub support works by subclassing from tgext.socketio.pubsub.PubSubTGNamespace this special namespace permits clients to subscribe to channels using socket.emit('subscribe', 'channel_name') from the javascript interface.

Whenever an user subscribes to a channel, the PubSubTGNamespace subclass will receive a call for subscribe_channelname method, which can return if the user is permitted to subscribe to the given channel or not (@require decorator can be used). The subscribe_channelname method can also return a different channel name if you want to specify a subchannel.

For each message published on the subscribed channel PubSubTGNamespace will emit a pubblication event, which can be trapped by the client to perform required actions.

Publishing a message will be possible through PubSubTGNamespace.publish.

You can see a simple example providing a real time chat implemented on redis backend in examples/


SocketIO support for TurboGears throught gevent-socketio







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