- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Python 2.7 (ROS comes with it)
- git
- Follow the steps to add the ROS package to catkin workspace
Follow the steps in the link to create a catkin workspace. http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace
Clone the package
git clone https://github.com/bsaisudh/qLearningTurtlebot
- Use catkin_make to make the package in the catkin workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build
or use
- Run the following command to make the python executable
cd ~/catkin_ws/
chmod -x src/qLearningTurtlebot/src/trainingMode.py
chmod -x src/qLearningTurtlebot/src/gameMode.py
- Run the following command to update bash
source devel/setup.bash
- Run the following command will launch the training processs for the corresponding map
- Maze 1
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot trainMaze1.launch
- Maze 2
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot trainMaze2.launch
- Maze 3
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot trainMaze3.launch
- To run the game on the fulling trained q-Table
- Maze 1
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot gameMaze1.launch
- Maze 2
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot gameMaze2.launch
- Maze 3
roslaunch qLearningTurtlebot gameMaze3.launch