- Two views to toggle: Kanban View and Weekly View.
- You can create new task by press enter key after filling the content in the input box.
- You can easily update and delete task by clicking the icon buttons on the right side of each task.
- You can drag and drop task to update their status.
- Next.js - The React Framework for Production
- Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
- Typescript - A typed JavaScript
- Nvim - A Vim-based Text Editor
- react-beautiful-dnd - A React library to create dnd effects.
- Git clone this repo
- Install all dependencies:
# or
yarn install
- Run the development server:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Two modes:
is used byyarn dev
is used byyarn build
Environment Variables Load Order Environment variables are looked up in the following places, in order, stopping once the variable is found.
(Not checked when NODE_ENV is test.)
Learn more: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/environment-variables
- (Learn to Build NextJS Applications)(https://medium.com/r/?url=https%3A%2F%2Famy-juan-li.medium.com%2Flist%2Fdb243e7bdf05)
- Build a Markdown Editor Using Electron, React, TypeScript, CodeMirror 6, and Remark
- Portfolio Website - A place to write blog and display my works.
- Medium Blog - Another blogging platform.
- eBook: Become a software developer without computer science degree
- SkillShare Class: Empower your life by becoming a software developer without a computer science degree.