- 🔭 I’m currently working on Machine Learning
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Natural language processing
- Machine Learning
- Natural language processing
- Computer Vision
- Neural Networks
- Personal Mail: Email
- My Kaggle Profile: https://www.kaggle.com/anajikadam17
- My second Github: https://github.com/anajikadam
- Simple ML Project: https://ana-project-diabetes-predict.herokuapp.com/
- Multiple ML projects with Flask: https://anaji-projects.herokuapp.com/
- Dash Project: https://mydash-webapp.herokuapp.com/
- Covid Web API with Flask: https://covid-webapi.herokuapp.com/
- Sentiment_Analysis_Using_BERT_PART_2
- Sentiment_Analysis_with_VADER_TextBlob
- Reddit_Vaccine_Myths_SA_Vader_SpacyTextBlob
- Question_&_Answering_Systems_BERT_bert_squad