Node v12
npm i
npm run start
npm run unit
you have to start local sonar sever that can download from
{directory where sonar in installed}./ console
example -
./Downloads/sonarqube-6.7.7/bin/macosx-universal-64/ console
OR follow
brew services start sonarqube
then we can run below command
npm run test:sonar-local
run below command and open index.html
in browser inside tests/coverage/icov-report/index.html
npm run test:report
- As a backend server i am using
deployed in heroku - Backend
- Vue.js - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- Vuex - state management
- webpack - module bundler
- Babel - javascript compiler
- Vue-test-Utils - for vue component testing
- Jest - testing framework
- node.js - evened I/O for the backend
Open Homescreen
Select query from textarea and click on submit query button to get result
we can get more query from Backend
We can Apply sorting on field containing sorting icon.
we can Apply sorting on any pages and result get sorted and we will be on same page instead of starting from page 1
Table in scrollable horizontal
Query TextArea : textarea resize button is disabled. we have configuration of min(4) & max(15) rows for textarea if we crossed more than 15 rows we will get scrollbar in textarea.
This project contains all other setup like
https apis call,
api request/response setup
proxy configuration to avoid CROS error
vuex store
responsive scss
it won't require any setup level changes we just have to mention backend api path and start with staging mode Let's see each of modules.
src module contains all the source code
if we need to have any backend api call we have mentioned define a method for that api and we can use that method inside action(vuex store)
it contains scss and images that we have to use in code.
it contains all .vue components
this is place to define
static text
backend api path
that we are going to use in project
it contains all the landing pages.
TabsPage (route - http://localhost:10010/
) to display Plugin Manager UI Home page
for configuring all the route and corresponding vue component to render.
this is place to define store modules and plugins and attach them with vuex
Start of the project. vue app creation
mode - development, production, staging
to configure some property based on environment
to override or configure vuejs webpack configuration
contains dockerization and release build related code.
to proxy backend api from localhost to avoid CROS error
to run production build code in localhost environment
if we wanted to check how our build works we can use this to run code in local to see.
[ npm run build ] - (it will create build)
[ npm run preview ] - (it will run build code in local server)